Exploratiory writing 4B

I Say Tear it All Down

I really enjoyed hearing Legacy herself talk about Glitch Feminism. This interview made me consider a new dimension to glitch feminism that I feel like we haven’t really discussed in class so far and that is race. This quote really stuck out to me, “I think of the sheer number of conferences and panels and symposia and exhibitions that I’ve been to about digital art, moving image art, new media, and internet art. You could probably count on one hand the Black people, people of color, and queer people who are being represented as part of those rosters.” It made me consider my past edp classes and even this one which are largely white students. I think this is part of the reason we haven’t engaged with glitch feminism and race the same way we have with glitch feminism and gender.

I also really appreciated the discussion about glitch feminism and the pandemic. I appreciate how she talks about the privilege of being able to work from home and how that can overlap with the privileges of race. It really mirrors news I remember hearing from several months ago about how people of color are being more harshly impacted by covid.