
It's hard for me to pinpoint my very first interaction with the internet, it was so early in my life I remember playing flash games when I was probably only 4 or 5 years old. People talk about internet presence as if it began with social media but I think for our generation it started a lot earlier. I'm thinking of things like club penguin or webkins. the first time I made an account and created an online persona was probably for a site like that. The gamer tag I made when I got my xbox 360 for the first time is still a name I go by online on places like Discord. The internet means a lot to me. It obviously it is an important tool in my life for school but I also like to spend my free time there too. So much of the media I consume is from the internet or consumed over the internet. To me the internet is a way to connect to the rest of the world. I spend lot of my time on the internet on Youtube and Reddit. Sites like these allow me to explore new groups and subcultures that I can't access in my life otherwise. I am able to engage with new ideas and new art that I couldn't have found any other way. Right now I consume a lot from the internet but with this site I hope that I am able to put art onto the internet and add to my voice to the vast network that is the internet.