Exploratiory writing 6B


I was familiar with the concept of NFT’s before this and was pretty opposed to them because of the amounts of energy used to make them. I really appreciated the AMA for this. It did change my views on NFT’s to being more open to them and more on the fence about how I feel about them. I was impressed by some of the art being made in that space that explores what art can be in this new medium. I really liked the pieces shared by Pak and Mad Dog Jones that involve interactivity or algorithmic elements to the art. Additionally I spent some time exploring NFT’s on OpenSea and found a project called Autoglyphs. Created by the makers of CryptoPunks, they are described as “on chain generative art” which I think is really interesting conceptually and really challenges what art can be in this medium. Speaking of CryptoPunks, I don’t know how I feel about them either. Part of it is that I just don’t really like the way they look. But also there is something very off about making something with the punk aesthetic and selling it at a major art auction house. I really don’t like that auction houses are getting involve with NFT’s but maybe that’s just because I don’t really like the art world in general. I do think the generative aspect of the punks is interesting and so is the collectible card aspect too. I noticed on OpenSea that there are many NFT’s that do a similar thing. Part of me would like to buy NFT’s or at least look into the space more. but they are all so expensive. Even one that is .5 Ethereum is still several hundred dollars. As an artist I am also a little interested in making an NFT’s but I would want it to be more than just a jpg file. I would want it to be algorithmic or generative in some way.