Exploratiory writing 8A

Post-Internet Art

I really appreciated the paper on Post-Internet art and appropriation. For me appropriation is a major part of internet culture, not just internet art. Look at memes, most memes are an image, or a gif taken from something else or just a screenshot of something someone else said on a different social media platform than the one you are on. This reminds me of the Nyan Cat NFT that I talked about in a previous exploratory writing. I know someone made Nyan Cat originally and now someone owns it, but not really because to me that character, that meme, belongs to the internet as a whole.

Looking at the other article about the art world during the pandemic. It was really interesting to look at because I actually went to a gallery during the pandemic back in February. When I think about galleries and what they could mean for me as an artist, I don’t see myself ever putting art in a gallery. Partly because I don’t really make art that works in a gallery but also because the internet exists. The internet is the world I want to be a part of not the traditional gallery art world. I’m really attracted to the idea of outsider art, and while the internet is not an outsider place, it is a place that is out of the controll of traditional institutions and that’s what I like about it.