Exploratiory writing 9A

Post-Internet Art Part 2

One of the most interesting ideas I am taking away from these readings is the idea of Post Internet Art as not just being online art but physical art that responds to the internet. This idea is really interesting to me as it feels somewhat contrary to all the art I have been making in my time as an EDP student. All the art I’ve made has been digital, I can seriously only think of one EDP project where I made something physical and that is soldering. Although to be fair most of the things I have made haven’t been made responding to the internet either.

I was also really interested in Artie Vierkant’s ideas about internet image objects and what the ease of sharing something online has done to art. It reminds me of our discussions around NFT’s. I see it in this context that NFT’s are trying to make it harder to share something online by enforcing ownership of an object in a pre-internet way, even when this runs counter to the nature of the internet and its history of appropriation.